Facebook shortcuts keys
Facebook shortcuts keys

How Indians use Facebook when they get marriage proposals.Why Facebook is not cool anymore and boring.Do not irritate others by doing these on Facebook.Type the above codes and press enter to show them up and remember that the shortcut codes are case sensitive.Below are few more emoticon charts.Just enter these codes into chat box and press enter.Īlso read the following related articles: List of Facebook emoticons and their shortcut codes: c – comment on a selected story.This only works on single stories that aren’t about aggregate actions from multiple people or Pages.Up and down arrows will also work once you’ve started with j or k. j and k – scroll between News Feed stories.Enter – Focus on the text box whenever you make a post.Search for 'web app.' Check the box next to Allow Web Applications Reserved Keystrokes. q – search for a friend you want to chat with. How can I navigate Facebook with keyboard shortcuts Use Insert + F2.

facebook shortcuts keys

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facebook shortcuts keys

Since the access keys are browser specific, please refer below for your specific browser.

Facebook shortcuts keys